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Clock Startson is a clock which actually located on the start button (and thus does not take any desktop space). It may be analog clo
 » Home » Desktop Management » Clocks » Clock Startson 3.0
OS Support: Windows 9x/XP
Publisher: Startson
License: Shareware; $19.00 to buy
Limitations: Yes; 30 day timeout
Downloads: 1029
Screenshot: Click here to see Screenshot
Date added: Oct 26, 2007
Click here to Download
Clock Startson is a clock which actually located on the start button (and thus does not take any desktop space). It may be analog clock or digital.


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 » Home  » Desktop Management » Clocks (10) Select page: [1]
 » Chronos Clock 3.04.16
Chronos Clock provides a floating desktop clock providing a variety of functions to enhance your Desktop. ...
Rainbow Innovations | Shareware; $25.00 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/2008/Vista/XP | January 4, 2008 | Downloads: 949
Date added: Jan 15, 2008 |  » Details
 » Talking Time Keeper 17.3
Talking Time Keeper (TTK) is a program encompassing a wide range of useful time and date related features. As the name suggests, it also has the ability to use built in real life sampled voices, both male and female to tell you the time and/or date, eithe ...
Mark Judge | Shareware; $19.99 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | September 26, 2006 | Downloads: 842
Date added: Oct 26, 2007 |  » Details
 » Be Punctual 2.1
Be Punctual is a simple tool which includes alarm clock, reminder and human voice time teller. With alarm clock you can set alarm for different days of the week. With reminder you can set reminders for entire year and never forget anything and with human ...
Vicky`s Cool Softwares | Freeware | Windows Vista/XP | March 26, 2007 | Downloads: 991
Date added: Oct 26, 2007 |  » Details
 » Weather Clock 3.2
Weather Clock is a weather and clock program that sits in your system tray and keeps you posted of current weather conditions, forecasts and more. The clock displays the exact time using Internet atomic time servers. There are also several different alarm ...
Respect Soft | Shareware; $29.95 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/XP | November 29, 2007 | Downloads: 814
Date added: Jan 15, 2008 |  » Details
 » AWS Desktop Clock 1.0
AWS Desktop Clock is an alarm clock that appears on your desktop, and rings every hour with grandfather clock chimes, also displays the current time, date, a bible verse, with 5 different backgrounds (skins). ...
Angels Web Solutions | Shareware; $5.99 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | February 7, 2006 | Downloads: 1025
Date added: Oct 26, 2007 |  » Details
 » CLOX 2000 7.0
CLOX is a world clock software package which provides rows of both analogue and digital clocks showing the time in different user-selected time zones. Along with the time-zone clocks comes a series of other useful features. A sophisticated alarm clock, th ...
Mirage Audio Visual Media | Shareware | Windows (All) | October 27, 1999 | Downloads: 1017
Date added: Oct 07, 2005 |  » Details
 » Advanced Time Synchronizer 2.6
Advanced Time Synchronizer is a PC clock synchronizer working with time servers via the Internet, supporting three time synchronization protocols, proxy servers, autodialing and having a lot of other useful features. It connects to all the servers in the ...
Southsoftware, Inc. | Shareware; $19.95 to buy | Windows (All) | January 10, 2005 | Downloads: 1048
Date added: Oct 07, 2005 |  » Details
 » The Time Machine 1.32
The Time Machine is a massive set of components and functions, completely covering all the tasks of managing your computer clocks. That includes managing appearance of clocks, display of various time zones, synchronization of time through atomic time serv ...
Atlant Software, Inc. | Shareware; $29.95 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | April 26, 2006 | Downloads: 811
Date added: Jan 15, 2008 |  » Details
 » Cool Calendar 4.1
Cool Calendar is a desktop calendar integrated with a powerful event managemer and other daily information like weather forecasts. ... | Shareware; $19.90 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/Vista/XP | January 26, 2006 | Downloads: 894
Date added: May 12, 2008 |  » Details
 » TimeRecorder 4.28
TimeRecorder is a timer and reminder software. It can remind you of things at scheduled times, record and keep track of how long you engaged in an activity along with what you did. It can also save what you write or copy it to the memo. ...
SunShine Software Inc. | Shareware; $27.95 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | April 20, 2007 | Downloads: 795
Date added: Oct 26, 2007 |  » Details
 » Magic Desktop Wallpaper 1.1
Magic Desktop Wallpaper is a software to beautify the computer desktop, which can make your desktop unique after running it. It can dynamically show the digital photos on the desktop in the style of slide show (24 styles are available), it can set all kin ... | Shareware; $29.95 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | May 24, 2005 | Downloads: 864
Date added: Oct 26, 2007 |  » Details
 » ZoneTick 3.6 (Updated)
ZoneTick replaces the regular system clock with several time zones of your choosing. Knowing the time around the world has never been simpler. Whether you travel from timezone to timezone, have international friends, or are simply on the lookout for high- ...
WR Consulting | Shareware; $14.99 to buy | Windows 2000/9x/XP | April 11, 2007 | Downloads: 887
Date added: Oct 26, 2007 |  » Details
 » Instant Boss 1.0.2
Instant Boss is a motivational timer for timing work/break cycles with alarm reminders and dialogs to help you manage your time better and get more work done, while at the same time not depriving yourself of much needed break time. It is perfect for procr ...
App`s Apps | Freeware | Windows 2000/2003/9x/Vista/XP | July 31, 2006 | Downloads: 863
Date added: Oct 26, 2007 |  » Details
 » Atomic Alarm Clock 5.2
Atomic Alarm Clock lets you alert yourself about important events with different alarms and replace your Windows tray clock using different skins. Alarm clock that will play a WAV file. It also can run a program, log off, reboot, shut down, or power off. ...
Drive Software Company | Shareware; $24.95 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/Vista/XP | November 4, 2007 | Downloads: 984
Date added: Jan 15, 2008 |  » Details
 » Skin Clock 1.8
SkinClock is a replacement for the standard systray clock providing you with additional features. It lets you show the current date and calendar with one mouse click, adjust and synchronize time via the Internet. And the alarm center lets users create and ...
Alcyonesoft | Shareware; $19.95 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | August 4, 2006 | Downloads: 840
Date added: Oct 26, 2007 |  » Details
 » Cool Calendar 4.1
Cool Calendar is a desktop calendar integrated with a powerful event managemer and other daily information like weather forecasts. ... | Shareware; $19.90 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/Vista/XP | January 26, 2006 | Downloads: 899
Date added: Feb 29, 2008 |  » Details
 » Watch It 1.0.3
Watch It is a translucent stopwatch and timer for Mac OS X. It includes Stopwatch mode, Timer mode, Cool visual alarm that pulses the window, Resizable window, Adjustable background opacity, Keyboard shortcuts, Adjustable time between window updates, and ...
Vertical Eye | Shareware; $6.00 to buy | Mac OS X | January 28, 2005 | Downloads: 888
Date added: Oct 07, 2005 |  » Details
 » Chronos Clock 3.06.12
Chronos Clock provides a floating desktop clock providing a variety of functions to enhance your Desktop. ...
Rainbow Innovations | Shareware; $25.00 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/2008/Vista/XP | May 5, 2008 | Downloads: 963
Date added: May 12, 2008 |  » Details
 » UserTime 1.2
UserTime is software for recording & analyzing the time you spend on your computer. It runs in the background & records the time you’ve been logged on to your computer, as well as the time each user is actively using the computer. It comes with reports & ...
Software Studio | Shareware; $24.95 to buy | Windows 2000/9x/XP | June 30, 2004 | Downloads: 934
Date added: Oct 07, 2005 |  » Details
 » The Time Machine 1.32
The Time Machine is a massive set of components and functions, completely covering all the tasks of managing your computer clocks. That includes managing appearance of clocks, display of various time zones, synchronization of time through atomic time serv ...
Atlant Software, Inc. | Shareware; $29.95 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | April 26, 2006 | Downloads: 813
Date added: Feb 02, 2008 |  » Details
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