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Apache has been the most popular web server on the Internet since 1996. The Apache project is an effort to develop and maintain an op
 » Home » WWW & Internet » Web Servers » Apache HTTP Server for Unix 2.2.8
OS Support: Unix
Publisher: The Apache Software Foundation
License: Freeware
Downloads: 906
Screenshot: No Screenshot
Date added: Jan 29, 2008
Click here to Download
Apache has been the most popular web server on the Internet since 1996. The Apache project is an effort to develop and maintain an open-source HTTP server for various modern desktop and server operating systems, such as UNIX and Windows NT. The goal of this project is to provide a secure, efficient and extensible server which provides HTTP services in sync with the current HTTP standards.


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 » PHPLens 4.2.8
PHPLens is a PHP Application Server for rapidly creating database driven Web applications. With phpLens, data can be presented as html tables with facilities to create, edit, paginate, search and delete records. ...
Natsoft | Commercial Demo; $80.00 to buy | Unix, Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | March 3, 2006 | Downloads: 776
Date added: Oct 28, 2007 |  » Details
 » Homepages Engine 1.0
Homepages Engine. Homepages Engine lets your site offer free homepages to your users. If you have a community site and are looking to keep growing, you can`t ignore free homepages. How does it happen? Visitors to your site fill out a short form. They repl ... | Shareware | Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | October 24, 2000 | Downloads: 894
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » Microsoft Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 Trial Enterprise 2.0
Live Communications Server 2005 with SP1 improves on the features of Live Communications Server 2005 by extending the federation model, enhancing functionality, increasing security, and improving performance and infrastructure support. ...
Microsoft Corp. | Commercial Demo | Windows 2003 | April 28, 2005 | Downloads: 1012
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » PostgreSQL for Windows 8.3.1
PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source relational database system. It has more than 15 years of active development and a proven architecture that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, data integrity, and correctness. It runs on all major opera ...
PostgreSQL Global Development Group | Open Source | Windows 2000/2003/2008/Vista/XP | March 17, 2008 | Downloads: 809
Date added: May 13, 2008 |  » Details
 » Orange Web Server for Windows NT/2000 2.1
Orange Web Server can turn any PC into a web server that is easy to run and administer. Orange supports publishing your IP address to a known location - useful if you have a dynamic IP. ...
Gerry | Shareware | Windows 2000/2003/XP | July 19, 2001 | Downloads: 1033
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » Jxel 4.65
Jxel is a java based program that sits in front of a webserver providing caching and compression. It typically increases the download perfomance of a website by 3 to 5 times while reducing the bandwidth required by 1/2 without any modificaiton to the clie ...
Web Business Software, Inc. | Commercial Demo | Linux, Windows 2000/2003/Me/XP | September 10, 2002 | Downloads: 1118
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » E-Blah 10.2.5
E-Blah is a forum system that features include: a fully featured Administrator Center, powerful private messaging system, powerful security model for boards and categories, detailed logs and stats of the forum system, basic moderating options (sticky thre ...
E-Blah | Open Source | Mac, Unix, Windows (All) | March 6, 2007 | Downloads: 804
Date added: Oct 28, 2007 |  » Details
 » ThunderWAP OTA Setup Component 1.0
The ThunderWAP(tm) OTA Setup component transmits all of the necessary WAP parameters to Nokia and Ericsson WAP mobile phones. The component transmits these parameters using an attached Nokia or Ericsson GSM mobile phone or a Nokia GSM PCMCIA card. The par ...
mi4e | Commercial Demo | Windows 2000/2003/XP | September 5, 2000 | Downloads: 918
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » iMarkup Server 3.1
iMarkup Server is a web-based document management solution with integrated workflow automation and electronic forms (eForms) processing. It manages your documents, forms, and processes. It provides powerful storage, categorization and search technologies ...
iMarkup Solutions | Shareware; $15000.00 to buy | Windows (All) | June 27, 2003 | Downloads: 938
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » SurfStatsLive Reporting Service
SurfStatsLive Reporting Service is a Windows 2000/2003 server-based Web analytics product. Web Hosts and Service Providers can provide browser-based on-demand Website Statistics reports for clients with this tool. The program can generate reports down to ...
SurfStats Software cc | Shareware; $495.00 to buy | Windows 2000/2003 | March 22, 2005 | Downloads: 828
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » EzCom2Web 3.0
EzCom2Web is a lightweight HTTP server and a script engine in one application . It is a very good tool to control a device connected on a remote PC serial port with a Web browser. You can build a complete web interface for your RS232 device - for example ...
Cosmin Buhu | Shareware; $39.99 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | January 23, 2008 | Downloads: 832
Date added: Jan 29, 2008 |  » Details
 » panFora Lite 1.4
panFora is a full featured, high performance Web-based collaboration tool excelling at file sharing and discussion forum functions. Operating more like a desktop application than a Web application, it utilizes a combination of innovations that maximize us ...
wiTHinc, Inc. | Commercial Demo | Unix, Windows 2000/2003/XP | October 10, 2001 | Downloads: 935
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » MySQL for Windows 5.1.22 RC
MySQL is a very fast, multi-threaded, multi-user and robust SQL (Structured Query Language) database server. ...
MySQL AB | Freeware | Windows 2000/2003/9x/XP | October 1, 2007 | Downloads: 871
Date added: Oct 28, 2007 |  » Details
 » VertrigoServ 2.20
VertrigoServ was developed to make available a highly professional and easily installable package of Apache, PHP, MySQL, SQLite, SQLiteManager, PhpMyAdmin and Zend Optimizer for Windows platform. With a convenient all-in-one installer, all components are ...
Dariusz Handzlik | Open Source | Windows (All) | February 8, 2008 | Downloads: 837
Date added: May 13, 2008 |  » Details
 » ServerMask 2.2
ServerMask modifies your Web server`s `fingerprint` by removing unnecessary HTTP response data, modifying cookie values, and obscuring other response information, thus masking the identity of your server. Advanced options include custom header creation, A ...
Port 80 Software | Commercial Demo; $99.95 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/XP | February 2, 2005 | Downloads: 847
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » Microsoft Exchange Server ActiveSync Web Administration Tool 06.05.7775
Microsoft Exchange Server ActiveSync Web Administration Tool is designed for administrators who want to manage the process of remotely erasing lost, stolen, or otherwise compromised mobile devices. ...
Microsoft Corp. | Freeware | Windows 2003 | February 1, 2006 | Downloads: 801
Date added: Oct 28, 2007 |  » Details
 » httpZip 3.5
httpZip is an IIS server module that reduces costs, improves page load times for your site`s visitors, and leverages your current Windows server resources. Safely and transparently compress Web pages using HTTP encoding algorithms supported in all modern ...
Port 80 Software | Commercial Demo; $299.95 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/XP | August 8, 2005 | Downloads: 911
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » ReynosaBB 1.0.2
ReynosaBB is a minimalistic PHP/MySQL discussion board. Speed and simplicity are the two main goals of the project, and people with knowledge of HTML, PHP, and MySQL can customize the board to fit their exact needs. ...
ReynosaBB | Open Source | Mac, Unix, Windows (All) | July 26, 2005 | Downloads: 841
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
 » UltiDev Cassini for ASP.NET v2.0 2.0.8
UltiDev Cassini is a free web server that hosts ASP.NET applications and static HTML pages. Whenever you either can`t run IIS (like on Windows XP Home) or your customers can`t install IIS for some reason, UltiDev Cassini is the answer. ...
UltiDev LLC | Freeware | Windows 2003/XP | February 10, 2007 | Downloads: 806
Date added: Oct 28, 2007 |  » Details
 » w3compiler 1.1.2
w3compiler will allow you to develop leaner, more secure code for faster, safer sites. Leading sites like Google and Yahoo! hand optimize their mark-up and JavaScript files before upload, saving up to 70%. Until now, this best practice has been too time-c ...
Port80 Software, Inc. | Commercial Demo; $79.95 to buy | Windows 2000/2003/Me/XP | August 5, 2004 | Downloads: 826
Date added: Oct 10, 2005 |  » Details
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